INTRO: Gary is the master gunsmith in the Department of
Historic Trades and is currently serving as the
interpretive planning teams coordinator in the
Department of Interpretive Development. The following is
extracted from a manuscript on guns and gunsmiths that
is to be published in the not-too-distant future.
Early settlers and pioneers in America faced an immense
wilderness unlike anything they had experienced in
Europe. As frightening as this vast forest filled with
strange beasts must have been to the first immigrants,
it was also a "sportsman's paradise.'' Author Samuel
Johnson noted that "hunting was the labor of the savages
of North America, but the amusement of the gentlemen of
England." While hunting was a necessity for the Indians
and for the settlers along the frontier, it soon became
an important form of amusement in this country as well.
In England and most of Europe, legal hunting was
controlled by the wealthy because wild game was
considered the property of the landowner. Colonists
found that Indians had a completely opposite view: to
them wild game, like air and sunshine, was a resource
free for the taking. While the colonists did not adopt
completely the Indians' philosophy, it may have
influenced their thinking. Before 1640 a colonist wrote,
"wee accounte of them as the Deare in Virginia—
things belonging to noe man." Beginning with a law
enacted in 1632, which prohibited the killing of wild
hogs and set a bounty on wolves, wild animals in
Virginia became public domain. As such, their use was
subject to control by the government rather than by the
With wild game on unoccupied land free for the taking,
the colonists were more likely than their European
counterparts to own hunting guns and to become skilled
in their use. In 1705, Robert Beverly commented in
The History and Present State of Virginia that "the
people there are very skillful in the use of Fire Arms,
being all their Lives accustomed to shoot in the Woods."
The reputation and tradition of Americans as gun owners,
hunters, and marksmen can be traced, at least in part,
to the decision in Jamestown that wild game belonged to
no one man.
In 1739 John Clayton of Gloucester County described
hunting in Virginia to a friend in England:
"To satisfie the Gentlemen you mention who is
desirous of knowing the diversion of hunting and
shooting here and the several sorts of game. ...
Now the Gentlemen here that follow the sport place most
of their diversion in Shooting Deer; w'ch they perform
in this manner they go out early in the morning and
being pritty certain of the places where the Deer
frequent they send their servants w'th dogs to drive 'em
out and so shoot 'em running, the Deer are very swift of
foot the diversion of shooting Turkies
is only to be had in the upper parts of the Countrey
where the woods are of a very great extent,... the
shooting of water fowl is performed too in the same
manner w'th a Water spaniel, as with you,... the bears,
Panthers, Buffaloes and Elks, and wild cats are only to
be found among the mountains ... and hunting there is
very toilsome and laborious and sometimes dangerous."
Another description of deer hunting comes from Colonel
George Hanger, a British officer who was invited on a
hunt in South Carolina after the siege of Charleston. He
explained the popular sport of "fire hunting at
night." Burning pine knots were carried in a
long-handled frying pan balanced on the hunter's
shoulder as he rode slowly through the woods. The fire
was behind the hunter, and it illuminated the deer's
eyes as it stared toward the light. For this method, a
smoothbore gun loaded with buckshot was the best choice
because a spread of pellets gave the greatest certainty
of a hit.
Deer hunting by the more conventional methods of
stalking and trail watching required a more accurate
firearm. The first of these firearms were made in
Germany before 1500 by cutting spiral grooves inside the
barrels to give the ball a spinning motion along its
line of flight. The grooves, or rifling, in the bore
allowed the hunter to fire a round ball accurately. (The
English word "rifle" comes from the German word
riffeln, meaning "grooved.") A skilled marksman
could hit a four-inch circle at a hundred yards with
such a gun. Throughout Europe, rifles became the most
popular guns for hunting big game, from deer to wild

Cut away view of a loaded rifle barrel showing, from
left to right, the threaded breech plug, powder, patched
ball, and rifling grooves. The flash pan, from which the
charge is ignited through the touch hole, is shown by
the dotted lines.
The colonists made and used rifles based on the German
long-barreled "stalking rifles" with English and French
design influences. Many regional styles of rifles
evolved in America after the 1750s. They were produced
in all the populated areas, but more seem to have been
made in Pennsylvania because of both the German
influence and the huge number of immigrants who came
through Philadelphia. This has led to the myth that
rifles were invented in Pennsylvania and the mistaken
use of the term "Pennsylvania rifle" for all rifles of
this type regardless of their place of manufacture.
Rifles made from the Carolinas to New England differ
only in stock architecture, or shape, and in decoration;
students of these "American long rifles" often can
pinpoint the area and date of production from these
details. By the last quarter of the eighteenth century
American rifles had evolved into a form well suited for
the sport of hunting and the necessity of survival, and
their production continued well into the era of
breech-loading cartridge guns.
In addition to his rifle, a hunter needed other
specialized equipment. A powder horn could be purchased
from a horner or made by the hunter himself. To ensure
the correct powder charge for loading, a powder measure
was made from the tip of a deer antler or a tin measure
could be purchased. Bullets, round lead balls, were cast
in a mold that resembled a pair of pliers and, because
the rifle bores were not standardized, each rifle had
its own mold. To carry his bullets, spare flints, and
powder measure, a hunter wore a small leather pouch
attached to a strap. The powder horn and a knife might
have been attached to this shooting bag strap as well.
Unlike other leisure time activities, hunting had a
benefit beyond recreation. It provided food for the
hunter's table. Evidence of the popularity of venison is
found in the recipe books of the period and in the bones
that archaeologists have retrieved from trash pits.
Roast venison was a favorite tavern dish and at least
one Williamsburg resident, Thomas Everard, ordered a
"Venison Pastry Pan"in 1773.
Hunting for sport and for the table was not limited to
deer. Robert Beverly wrote in 1705, "As in summer the
Rivers and Creeks are fill'd with Fish, so in Winter
they are in many Places cover'd with Fowl.... I am but a
small Sports-man, yet with a fowling Peice, have kill'd
above Twenty of them at a Shot."
The "fowling piece" was a smoothbore, without rifling,
designed to fire shot, small lead pellets. Today this
type of sporting gun is called a shotgun. Fowling pieces
of the colonial period ranged in size and weight from
"duck guns" with barrels over five feet long and
weighing more than twelve pounds, to "Bird guns" with
small bores and weighing less than five pounds. The
heavy guns could fire larger charges of shot and powder.
To kill over twenty fowl with a shot, Mr. Beverly
probably used one of these. Medium-weight guns were more
common because they could be loaded with a variety of
sizes of shot to shoot game from buck to quail,
answering the hunter's every need.

Cut away view of a loaded fowling piece barrel showing,
from left to right, the powder, wadding cardboard (to
transmit the force of the burning powder to the shot),
shot, and more wadding (to prevent the pellets from
rolling out of the barrel before the gun is discharged).
Whether hunting for sport and food or to protect their
crops and livestock, most rural Virginians needed to own
a gun and to become skilled in its use. This was
especially true on the frontier, where Colonel Hanger
observed, "You will often see a boy, not above ten
years of age, driving the cattle home, but not without a
rifle on his shoulder: they never stir, out, on any
business, nor on any journey, without their rifle."
John F. D. Smyth found that frontiersmen always carried
rifles and that "with his rifle upon his shoulder, or
in his hand, a back-wood's man is completely equipped
for visiting, courtship, travel, hunting, or war."
With rifles in almost daily use, both the formal and
impromptu shooting match occurred. Shooting at a mark as
a test of skill began long before the development of
firearms when archers matched their abilities for
prizes. The European tradition of competitive shooting
was well established in the colonies by the eighteenth
century. When Queen Anne came to the throne in 1702,
part of the celebration held in Williamsburg was a
shooting match sponsored by the governor. "The prizes
consisted of rifles, swords, saddles, bridles, boots,
money, and other things." Francis Michel, a visitor from
Switzerland, reported this match and its conclusion: "When
most of the shooting was done, two Indians were brought
in, who shot... so as to surprize us and put us to
In his book, Early Settlement and Wars of Western
Virginia and Pennsylvania, written in 1824,
the Reverend Dodderidge described frontier shooting
matches from the 1770s:
"Shooting at marks was a common diversion among the
men, when their stock of ammunition would allow it. ...
The present mode of shooting off hand [standing up] was
not then in practice. This mode was not considered as
any trial of the value of a gun; or, indeed, as much of
a test of skill of a marksman. Their shooting was from a
rest, and at as great distance as the length and weight
of the barrel of the gun would throw a ball on
horizontal level. Such was their regard to accuracy, in
these sportive trials of their rifles, and their own
skill in the use of them, that they often put moss or
some other soft substance, on the log or stump from
which they shot."
In addition to formal or competitive shooting, shooting
also occurred during celebrations and on holidays. A1655
law prohibited shooting at "drinkeings" except
for weddings and funerals because it was a waste of
powder. The 1661 version of this law exempted only "buryalls."
In Williamsburg the king's birthday and other holidays
were celebrated by the firing of both small arms and
cannon. Before the telephone only the report of a gun
could share the joy of Christmas morning with distant
In addition to man's natural urge to compete was his
desire to collect fine things. European nobility often
had extensive arms cabinets, and this tradition
continued in America with the wealthy owning firearms as
curios and art objects as well as for use. Part of Lord
Dunmore's collection survives and is on exhibit at the
DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Gallery. Estate
inventories that include old or very old guns suggest a
collection of family heirlooms rather than arms needed
for use. Sometimes just the number of firearms in an
estate inventory(such as that of Ralph Wormeley who had
twenty-one in 1702) indicates an exceptional interest in
Today, collecting antique guns and their accoutrement is
divided into highly specialized fields. . Some
collectors seek out guns made in a particular area,
while others look for associations with historic events.
Most collectors see another value as well. Their
collection provides a link across time with the men who
used the guns: a feeling of kinship and an understanding
of the bond between a man and his gun in early America.