When we camped there the Jackson River was the largest
river of drinking water purity in Virginia. It was
dammed to provide better dry season river flow for a
paper plant in Covington, VA. This river valley was an
important frontier location in the mid-18th Century.

A camp we could drive to was important due to the
limited time we had to hunt this season.

The river was thirty yards in front of the truck.

Wallace was hunting with the rifle made in the Gunsmith
of Williamsburg movie. During a lunch break we put a
cardboard box out at three-hundred paces for some long
range rifle practice.

Neal, kneeling with binoculars, watches for the ball to

Neal shoots while I spot.

My turn. The cooler is almost hiding the fact that I
still used a priming horn back then. Since then I have
learned better!

I'm shooting the .62 caliber rifle I had made with the
Sharon Rifle Works barrel.

We never knew where the camp cat came from! We were a
couple of miles from the nearest house. The rifle is the
iron mounted, .60 caliber that Wallace made for Lynn.
Web page of photos of this rifle
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